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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Proceptin?
Proceptin is a proprietary formula that has the ability to provide many of the nutrients which have been shown to support successful male reproductive function. It has been formulated as a result of over 60 research studies addressing the role of metabolic intermediaries, anti-oxidants precursors in male reproductive function.

What are the ingredients of Proceptin?
Proceptin is a formulation of nutritional supplements designed to provide support for sperm function.

How do I order Proceptin?
Proceptin is available for purchase at selected pharmacies, through our secure shopping cart at www.Proceptin.com, and by faxing in your order. Please call us at (858) 635-1278 for more information.
How should Proceptin be taken?
It is recommended that Proceptin be taken twice daily with food. The standard dose is two capsules twice daily. In men with significant male factor infertility it may be advisable to take three capsules twice daily with food. For men with normal sperm counts and no apparent infertility, a low dose of Proceptin, one capsule twice daily, is reasonable.
Is Proceptin an herbal product?
No. It is our belief that some herbal products should be considered in the same way as pharmaceutical drugs with respect to their effect on the human body. Please refer to ingredients for additional information.
How should I store Proceptin?
Proceptin should be stored at room temperature.
How much Proceptin should I order?
Old sperm cells die off and new cells begin to mature at the rate of about one percent each day. Thus, the entire sperm cycle takes approximately 100 days. It is important, therefore, to keep taking Proceptin long enough for all new sperm to have been exposed to the benefits of Proceptin. In addition, it should be remembered that in the biological system of the body it may take several weeks to see an effect from any given nutritional change. Thus, please be patient and recognize that will take at least three months to see initial beneficial effects of Proceptin.
What if I am currently taking prescription drugs?
As with any nutritional supplements it is advisable to consult your physician prior to taking Proceptin.
Does Proceptin fall within the regulations of the FDA?
Proceptin is a dietary supplement. The regulation of all food, dietary supplements, drugs, and cosmetics is a responsibility of the FDA. Proceptin meets the standards and qualifications set forth by FDA's regulations.

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The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Copyright © 2003 - 2024 Applied Medical Systems, Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved

Proceptin Healthcare, Inc. | 6386 Alvarado Court., Ste. 340 - San Diego, CA 92120
Copyright © 2003 - 2024 Applied Medical Systems, Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved.